That is unfair!

I’m gonna talk about something that crowded recently. A vannesa angels case or prostitution case. And did you know when i open my social media, particulary instagram and facebook sometimes is full of vanesha news. And something that make me reluctant is most of the comments of netizen is blame and blaspheme vanessea. As if vanessa is the worst girl that has ever been in Indonesia. I think that is unfair for him. I’m not in position to defend him, i agree that her behaviour is not accepted, but blame him and blaspheme him over and over as much as possible is not fair. Perhaps what we did to vanessha is not because she did something wrong and we angry about that, but because basically we are all people who very like to blame and blaspheme others.
                Let we look around. As far as i know, indonesia is one of the most country that high acces to porn website. This is a fact. Even though, we always declare that we are the most muslims people in the world. But the fact has prove that. I assume that more better to us to look into ourselves, instead judgement and blaspheme other people behaviour whatever worst he or she has. Perhaps most of us have mistakes or shame respective but we still lucky because our mistakes or our shame is not appear to public. If vanessha had not her pride girl anymore because she sold her body and her the most value as woman only 80 million, even though a girl’s pride is priceless because that is very valuable, then how other girl outside who slept with their boyfriend purely paid free with what we call of “love”? Even though, sometimes we know it just bullshit when they relationship were broken.   
                And once again, news of vanessha as if place woman as object because a man who together with him is not reported as most as possible like vanessa. Even though, a man position is play a key role in that case. A man should be blammed also. But, we see in any media the reports is less, even nothing else. Why? because media have their interest to reach rating as high as possible for their commercial interest. The medias always exploitation of vanessa sexuality to reach attention from public so that the news report is unbalance between vanessa, as a woman,  with her man in that case, as a man. So, we can call woman is a victim of our culture, not vanessa, but woman generally.



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